Welcome Blog Readers

Welcome to Boulder Nebraska where our goal is to bring Progressive Boulder, Colorado values to Nebraska. We are not some group of Astroturfers that pretend to be progressive while they pick-up a paycheck. Some times being BOLD doesn't cut it. You have to be BOULDER!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Well Boulder Nebraska fans, we are back!!! It seems Jane Flemming Kleeb was instrumental in taking down our page on Facebook. How do we know this? Well this is what she posted on her Facebook page, "Boulder Nebraska pages and profiles have all be taken down because they were FAKE...mess with the bull, you get the horns". Jane also admitted that she was the one that filed a complaint with Facebook about our group. I thought us liberals were the ones that defended free speech!!! No readers, Jane is not liberal, progressive or about helping Nebraskans, she is all about getting her name out and getting paid. From one cause to another and one paycheck to another she has been wreaking havoc on the Democratic Party and the issues we care about. Were not going anywhere Jane so "Put that in your pipeline and smoke it"!!!!

Ok so on with the Post. It seems Jane and the Bold Nebraska gang is behind killing to kill a new oil pipeline from being built in our state. We at Boulder Nebraska are not big fans of fossil fuel but we are not naive to think that our cars are all going to be electric overnight either. What concerns us is this frantic pitch Bold Nebraska is taking to kill the pipeline. Well we at Boulder Nebraska say follow the money. Many of these Astroturfing groups are formed through questionable funding sources with shadowy corporate ties. Bold Nebraska doesn't do anything for free so it will be interesting to see who gives to the "Bold Nebraska" cause.

Also, we have noted they are doing a little web broadcast tonight on the safety of this proposed pipeline and claim to have a "panel of experts" to answer questions. So who is this panel of experts? Well here are the names:

Paul Blackburn, Plains Justice
Marty Cobenais, Indigenous Environmental Network
Duane Hovorka, Nebraska Wildlife Federation
Ernie Fellows, Nebraska Landowners for Fairness
Ken Winston, Nebraska Sierra Club
Jane Kleeb, Bold Nebraska

I don't see any metallurgists, oil experts, or specialist that know anything about pipelines on this list. I do see one Jane Flemming Kleeb that Studied at Stetson University in areas of Religious Studies, Leadership Studies and the all important Women and Gender studies. Her grad school resume is no different either. So tell me readers how can she be an expert on oil pipeline safety? The answer is that she can't and this is how our cause is hurt by having so called experts create panic when there is nothing to fear. If this pipeline is dangerous then I want the facts from a PhD or some pipeline expert and not some person that just got done working for the SEIU. Nebraskans deserve better.


  1. Love it, and it is so True!!!

  2. Great Blog, Mary Jayne

  3. You messed with the wrong bull Jane Kleeb!!!!

  4. OMG... this is the funniest thing I have ever read.

  5. We know Mary Jayne can castrate bulls. I like the post!

  6. JFK is just a political whore. I know, which JFK?

    As for you Miss MJ, I don't like you or your ideas either. Legalizing mj would be one of the worst things you could do to our youth.

    So, as you said, put that in your pipe and smoke it-just do it somewhere else, please.

  7. Mary Jayne: Please put a video tracker on JFK; she is driving some humongous black vehicle around that must leave a ridiculous carbon footprint. It's time she is exposed for the hypocrit she is!

  8. We don't track. But please, can someone send us a picture of the offending vehicle?

  9. How is it that Jane Kleeb can have Boulder Nebraska taken down from Facebook for violating their terms of service, yet she got away from automatically transferring all those that signed up for her SEIU/Change That Works Nebraska site over to her Bold Nebraska site. Isn't that fraudulent behavior? Maybe someone needs to tip Facebook off about that.

  10. Good point Anon 5:33. Sounds like you're just the person to do it! MJF: Adams County probably has the vehicle on record. But watch for the ever clever Jane to switch to Scott's little car. It's hard to keep one step ahead of a Womens' Studies Major you know.

  11. Jane is crazy bottom line. And she did transfer the change that works group to bold nebraska, which I know many of the people that we moved over were not happy about. Jane is a joke and a carpet bagger, but at least she isn't a republican!

  12. Jane Fleming is a conservative to moderate at best Ben Nelson type democrat. There are many democrats tired of people like Jane Fleming and her husband in Nebraska. She and her type of conservative democrats have to go.

  13. Looks like a typical leftist 'panel discussion'; get together six people who all agree with each other, and 'discuss' the problem.

    Is there really an educational institution called 'Stetson University'? Is it for people with ten gallon hats on one pint heads?

  14. Mary Jane! It's good to see you are back! We all need to make sure constant pressure is placed upon JFK to keep her accountable. Keep on keepin' on!

  15. What is that suppose to mean Gerard? There are more than "six" people who agree with me on this. There are many proud liberals out there who think Jane is nothing more then a self-serving greedy moderate democrat just like Ben Nelson. This will not stand and it should not stand. We deserve a voice in this state and right now we do not have one.

  16. Jane Kleeb has today demonstrated that she is Trash. You have ruined our party Jane.

  17. Bold Nebraska is Astroturfing at its best. Your right about her, she goes where the paycheck is!!!

  18. I'm confused...why was your FB page shut down? If you are in fact a real person and not the NEGOP, what grounds would FB have in shutting you down?

  19. Not the NEGOP, Thank you for playing. Mr. Holland will be mad if you are not working!!!

  20. Hey Mary Jayne, I got the photo of us together posted on my blogger site. Now I dare 'em to say you aren't real.

    Check it out:


  21. Whatever your take on politics and political agendas, we all agree on one thing ...

